During 2020-2021, I was unable to return to Taiwan due to the pandemic. The longing for home and the difficulty of being away prompted me to do something interesting—chatting with my parents weekly via video calls and writing their childhood stories. Little did I know, this process turned out to be a delightful journey for both of us! Through these stories, I gained a deeper understanding of my parents, discovering sides of them I had never seen before. Likewise, this journey rekindled memories and gratitude for the beautiful moments in their lives. Over three months, I completed the first product of StoryPatio—a biography totaling 13,000 words. I believe that through this process, many others will find meaningful connections and a deeper understanding of their origins, just as I have. StoryPatio shares not only stories but also emotional connections, encouraging us to cherish the happiness around us.
2020-2021年,我因疫情無法回台灣。思鄉和在異鄉的難耐,讓我決定做些有趣的事——透過每週和父母親聊天和視訊,撰寫他們小時候的故事。沒想到這個過程竟為我們雙方帶來一趟驚喜之旅!我因為這些故事更了解父母親,發現從未看過他們的一面;父母親也透過這段旅程,重新喚起和感恩他們生命中的美好重要時刻。就這樣我寫了3個月,完成了第一本 StoryPatio 的產品,共13,000字的傳記書。我相信藉由這個過程,許多人會和我一樣產生有意義的生活和連結,更知道自己來自哪裡。StoryPatio 分享的不只是故事,還有更多情感交流和讓我們更珍惜身邊的幸福。
A company that focuses on capturing life stories and memories via the hands of professional writers and restoring vintage photos with Al technology. Our value is- Everyone deserves to be remembered. We want to share not just stories but to celebrate the emotional exchanges and the happiness around our day-to-day life.
StoryPatio 是一個將你的生活故事和回憶,透過專業作家來撰寫和協助編輯的服務;同時也提供最新的AI照片復刻技術。我們想傳遞的價值是:每個人都值得被記得。
Ariel Yi Ping Chen 陳宜萍