We offer a range of professional writers to match you with the perfect biographer!

Our Writers

Chang-Ru Yang (Kira)

Passionate about technological innovation and sustainable development, and enjoys exploring novel things, meeting interesting people, traveling, photography, and cooking.

Mindy Hsieh

Film and television professional. Not one for discussing gossip, she values the memories shared between people. Through writing, music, and photography, she documents the worth of her own life and that of others, and by investing, she helps talented individuals gain the recognition they deserve.

Fibi Hsiao

Curator and cultural producer specializing in public art, film, and other cultural practices, currently serving as the head of "Sometimes Cultural Studio." Having experienced Taiwan's martial law era during childhood, they excel in curating public art and actively engaging in social practices and cross-disciplinary collaborations. By integrating diverse art forms, they focus on the evolving relationship between people, land, and time—exploring various psychological dimensions and unearthing the rich treasures of memory and ideology embedded in history and contemporary society.






個性害羞卻喜歡交朋友的高敏感族,有點美感強迫症,偶爾來點社會觀察,著迷於異國文化。 肉體上浮淺於影像與文字的汪洋大海,精神上遊走於出世與入世的灰色地帶。 Ig: light2word

Gary Lee


Ariel Chen 陳宜萍

創業者、專欄作家,關心人與社會的關係、性別議題、文化內容產業。現居美國舊金山灣區,經營一間以專業作家撰寫你的生活故事和回憶,並提供 AI 照片復刻技術的公司「StoryPatio」。